If you're looking for a Valentine project that you and your children or grandchildren can complete together or even make as a gift for that special child in your life, I would like to share my idea in time for this Valentine's Day. It's a three ring binder filled with special things you and your child can collect over the next year or years, filled with memories and special times together. This is a gift that can continue to bless your children and grandchildren long after Valentine's Day is over. It only takes a few hours to complete. If you are a scrapbooker, you can use scraps of scrapbooking paper and stickers or pick up most of the materials for less than the price of most bags of candy these days.
Materials needed
Three ring binder
Color tabbed subject dividers
Scrapbook paper in desired colors
Stickers (Valentine preferred, but can use other types)
Glue, glue sticks or scrapbook adhesives you prefer)
Your own photographs
Notebook paper
Here is the one I made for my grandson
Front cover
My grandson likes to play Shark Tank and come up with inventions. He has filed his inventions behind this first divider. He enjoyed creating the lettering and the title of his first section. One day my little Valentine will invent something really special and perhaps create his own company or business!
We have always cooked together. I have shared a recipe from my own grandmother here along with a picture of my grandson making my dad's favorite strawberry cake. See the next picture for how we store the recipes.
I found these clear plastic three ring folders with velcro closures to store recipe cards with our favorite recipes. We have added recipes from our sleepover nights and those that are special to our family.
Behind this divider I put notebook paper where I have recorded some special thoughts and love notes to my special boy. Enough said... these are private.
Every week we have Neenie Day at my house. It's all about the grandchildren that day. Here I included pictures that remind us of some of the fun times we've shared together.
As you can see, it's not a fancy gift with lots of hours of work in the creating but there are lots of hours of fun and creativity recorded and kept within. We got them out yesterday and I realized they had been on the shelf too long. We need to bring them out for this Valentine's Day and add some new memories. Now, take a look at my grangirl's binder.
My little Valentine princess
Inside.... Will you be my Valentine? Check Yes___ or No___
What do you think the answer was?
Not sure what this little baker was about to make but I can predict she'll be taste testing the powdered sugsar before it goes into the oven. She's my little sweetheart and she absolutely loves cooking!
Her pink plastic folder for recipes.. including her all time favorite... Neenie's scrambled eggs.
Loved this picture taken from a birthday card I received from my sister... love to recycle..knowing this section may fill up more as she becomes older and wants to share things about her friends. Right now she's pretty satisfied to have family as her best friends....
Neenie Day with my girl has been happening for six years now. We have had loads of fun and lots of those scrambled eggs. I know we will go from high chairs and step stools to high heels and cooking for her own family, but we will have these memories that will last a lifetime.
And last but not least... meet my youngest grandson... My Funny Little Valentine... Baby D....

He's not bigenough to cook just yet. He lives two hours away and his visits are not as frequent but I'm taking photographs and looking for a binder to start his Valentine memory keeper. I can't wait until the first time he gets on the step stool and helps me bake a cake. Until then, I'm collecting materials and looking for just the right stickers to get started on his special project.
Since my first posting of this idea, I was able to cook with Baby D, who is no longer a baby. We've had the pleasure of making his birthday cupcakes together and at Christmas, he helped me make soup. This year, he'll get his Valentine notebook to fill with memories. Enjoy the photos of Neenie and Davis Britt.
Kiss the cook or kiss the oven, doesn't matter!
Getting his Neenie time...
Hope you have found some part of this project something you might try for your children or grandchildren. You certainly can make it as fancy as you like. This project is all about us and although it is simple and something made for just a few dollars, it holds heartfelt memories and times of love in one place.
Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!
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